Naomi Dover
AVP Social and Mentorship
Heyyy everybody I’m Naomi(she/her)! I’m in Biotech 2B. I’ve been promoted from first year rep to AVP Social and Mentorship (pls clap for me), I’m super pumped to be working on events for y’all this year!!! This is the only notable change in my life…nothing else has changed. I still play the sims too much and the list of shows and books I need to finish grows with each passing day. Don’t let the photo of me holding that turtle fool you…I don’t go outside! Anyway, I’ll be putting all my free time being a super amazing cool awesome fantastic superb AVP Social & Mentorship for y’all so, if you you have any questions, concerns or event requests DON’T HESITATE to reach out to me via Instagram @nomica_17 I’m so excited to be on the BTA for another year 😊