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Aaron Upadhyay

Aaron Upadhyay

Automation Representative

Hey everyone, I'm Aaron Upadhyay. I recently finished my 3A semester of Automation Engineering, and...

Krrish Kapoor

Krrish Kapoor

1st Year Representative

Hey everyone! Krrish here and I am in my 1B term of the Automation Engineering stream. I'm super...

Travis Maginnis

Travis Maginnis

4th Year Representative

Hey, I'm Travis Maginnis, Currently in 4A Smart Automation. I will be the fourth-year rep this year!

Gopal Uppalapati

Gopal Uppalapati

Automotive Representative

Hello again everyone! I'm Gopal, outgoing and incoming automotive rep 😎 can't get rid of me that...

Quinn Sheppard

Quinn Sheppard

2nd Year Representative

Hello B-Tech! My name is Quinn, and I am this 2nd year representative on the BTA. I am so excited to...

Arthur Yeung

Arthur Yeung

Power & Energy Rep

Hi B.Tech friends, I am Arthur! I am currently in my 3rd year of Power & Energy Eng Technology.

Luke Logan

Luke Logan

Biotechnology Representative

Hey there B. Tech! My name is Luke Logan. I just finished my 3B semester and I'm off on a 12 month...

Nathan Kanthasamy

Nathan Kanthasamy

3rd Year Representative

Hello B.Tech!!! My name is Nathan Kanthasamy I'm on my 8-month co-op term right before the 3B term!

Bachelor of Technology Association

The Bachelor of Technology Association recognizes that McMaster University sits on the traditional Territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Anishinaabe Nations, which is recognized by the "Dish With One Spoon" wampum agreement.


Feel free to contact our Executive Team

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